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Slime Monster

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.67 (3 Votes)



Name: Slime Monster
Difficulty: Medium
Connections: None
Summon: GreenSlime, OrangeSlime, OrangeSlimeSmall
Melee: Yes
Distance: Projectile, Spawn, Charge
Type: Alien/Magical, depending on the setting
Brightmaps: No
Actor modification: No
Submitted: Gothic
Code: Gothic
Sounds: Ion Storm (Anachronox), id Software (Quake)
Sprites: Wraith Corporation (Hell to Pay)
Sprite Edit: Gothic
Idea Base: Common fantasy enemy
Despite their simple compositions and slow speed, Slimes can be very dangerous. Once they get close to their prey, they will not let go easily.
Green Slimes can shoot goo from large distances, and Orange Slimes can spawn multiple small, fast moving slimes.

archive Slime Monster  (393 KB)