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Lock Keys

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Name: Lock Keys
Type: Keys
Palette: Custom
Summon: (Blue/Red/Yellow/Gray)(Lock/Hell)Key
Use Type: Inventory
Duration: N/A
Brightmaps: None
ACS: None
Submitted: JossTheFox
Code: JossTheFox
GLDefs: JossTheFox, Graf Zahl (from GZDoom's lights.pk3)
Sprites: Raven Software (Hexen), id Software (Doom Beta)
Sprite Edit: JossTheFox
Idea Base: I haven't seen anyone make normal keys.
Ever thought it's weird that you still find keycards and skullkeys when running around in a (presumably) completely normal city? I did, too, so I made this.
The keys come in four colors: blue, red, yellow, and gray. You can use the gray key as a base to make your own colors, if you wish. There's alternate inventory icons for every key color in case you like them horizontal instead of vertical. There's also alternate keys with a skull handle, for those cities that've been occupied by Hell's forces just a bit too long!

archive Lock Keys  (4 KB)

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