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Flame Traps

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (5 Votes)



Type: Wall and floor mounted traps that shoot flames.
Connections: None
Spawn Offsets: Arguments
Spawn Ceiling: No
Summon: FireballSpitter, FireballSpitterInactive, FlameJetter, FlameJetterInactive, FlameJetterToggle, FloorGrill, FloorGrillInactive, FloorGrillToggle
Brightmaps: No
Actor modification: No
Captain Toenail
Code: Captain Toenail
GLDefs: Captain Toenail
Sounds: freesound.org (liamg-sfx, highpixel, cubicApocalypse), edited by Captain Toenail
Sprites: Doom
Sprite Edit: Captain Toenail
Idea Base: 3D platforming games like Tomb Raider
This pack contains several fire themed traps to place in your map. Use sparingly or players will hate you

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