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Fountain of Rejuvenation

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.28 (9 Votes)



Name: Fountain of Rejuvenation
Type: Various
Connections: None
Spawn Offsets: User variables
Documentation: Yes
Spawn Ceiling: No
Variants: None, though it is customizable
Summon: RejuvenationFountain_[Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife]
ACS: Yes
Submitted: Blue Shadow
Decorate: Blue Shadow
ACS: Blue Shadow
Sprites: Tormentor667
Sprite Edit: Blue Shadow
Idea Base: Rejuvenation fountains from Medievil
A particle-based "fountain" that gives an assortment of beneficial effects to the player standing in it. The effects include health, armor, ammo and powerups. The fountain is limited by how much it can give, and it will eventually deplete after extensive use.

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