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Molotov Cocktail

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Name: Molotov Cocktail
Class: 5
Type: Projectile
Palette: Custom
Summon: MolotovCocktail
Ammo Type: MolotovAmmo (custom)
Altfire: No
Powered Mode: No
Brightmaps: Yes
Actor modification: No
Submitted: Gothic
Code: Scientist, Gothic
GLDefs: Keksdose, Gothic
Sounds: Blood & Clive Barker's Undying.
Sprites: Scientist, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Dzierzan, Espi & Kristus, Doom 2, Scuba Steve, Per Kristian
Sprite Edit: Gothic
Idea Base: The Molotov Cocktail from the WRW
Hold the fire button to charge your power meter. The more you hold it, the further you can throw a molotov cocktail. Don't hold it for too long or it will explode in your hands. Doesn't work underwater.
Includes an alternate set of sprites with Doom hands inside the file. Check the "altsprites" folder if you want to use those instead.

archive Molotov Cocktail  (261 KB)