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Hell Duke

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.92 (6 Votes)



Name: Hell Duke
Difficulty: Hard
Summon: Hellduke
Melee: Yes
Connections: Cyberdemon
Distance: Projectile, Melee
Type: Demon/Mechanical
Brightmaps: no
Submitted: flyingbrick
Code: Amuscaria, flyingbrick
GLDefs: SkyMarshall, SamVision
Sounds: Raven Software, Monolith Productions, DBThanatos
Sprites: Amuscaria, Raven Software
A much tougher relative of hell nobles that underwent cybernetic treatment. Too bad this species is intelligent enough for hell to trust with a slightly more versatile Arm cannon, so have fun dodging grenades if you're lucky and survive a round at close quarters with this monstrosity.

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